Monday, September 2, 2019

week 4

Tonight's guest: St Candee Hofer Peters

other cohorts:

Which chair setup do you like and why?
Extra cred: Watch the 

 Gospel in Chairs video linked here.

Post a few sentence response below (bottom of this page) in comments section.

 If you don't have one of the accounts listed, sign in as anonymous (but leave your name in your post)

Brian Zahnd video: The Gospel in Chairs

We watched first half of this for Moodle.


--We watched this for 4.1

"EPIC Culture: Are You Immigrant or Native?:

  • the "modern"  and "Gutenberg" world   (RRWI=Rational, Representative. Word-Based, Individual)
  • -the "postmodern' and "Google"  world (EPIC=Experiential/Emotional, Participatory, Image-Driven, Community/Connectivity/Cohort)
  • Leonard Sweet not only created the EPIC acronym, but wrote the nook, "The Gospel According to Starbucks," in which he suggests that the church can learn a lot about our current EPIC (Experiential, Participatory, Image-Driven, Connectivity) culture.

    In what ways do you see Starbucks as living out an EPIC ethic?


     Finally, remember our conversations about bounded sets and centered sets.
    Could these three grids collate?

    RRWI/Gutenberg                                    EPIC/Google
    Greek                                                    Hebrew
    Bounded Set                                           Centered Set

    Sweet suggests that we are living in the century  (21)that is most like  Jesus' century (1st) than any before

Remember our manger scene test.

How many of you could win  big money on this bet on what the text message of the Bible really says:

  • It nowhere says there were three.
  • It no where says they were wise
  • It nowhere says they were men.
If you have a manger scene/nativity set, take it out before watching this video. Then simply put it together in a way that is biblically correct. If you don't have a set, maybe just do this in your mind: you see shepherds , Mary and Jesus, baby Jesus, wise men, animals. etc. Arrange or include them in a way that makes sense. 

We did the first Philemon worksheet in class.  Will do the rest next week:
1.     What are the assumptions being made about slavery?
2.     What are the assumptions being made about the nature of the church?
3.     What are the assumptions being made about power and authority?
4.     What are the relationships of Paul to Philemon? Paul to Onesimus? Philemon to Onesimus .What has Onesimus done wrong, if anything? (Read carefully and check your own assumptions.)
5.     What kind of leadership is exhibited here? Does it match the content of The Serving Leader and/or In the Name of Jesus?

What continent is Israel on?

"What continent is Israel on?"
How did you answer the question? 
Answer it in your mind, and then scroll down.

There is only one right answer, obviously. 

 But every time I ask the question--in Israel or in class--people stumble, and tentatatively give the wrong answers: Europe?  Africa?  Middle East?
The only right answer is:

Does that sound surprising or shocking?
Sooo..that means: '

Jesus was Asian.
People laugh when you say that.  But it's true...and important that Jesus lived in Asia;  born and died there. That was his home. In our contemporary world, we think Asian means only Chinese, Japanese etc.
Jesus was Asian! Note I didn't say He IS Asian, as I believe He is bigger than that now, but while on earth as a human he was ethnically  Jewish...and  Asian.  So He thought and lived an Eastern, Mediterranean, Hebrew, Occidental, ASIAN worldview.  This will become important later in class.

Extra cred: Have fun and POST the phrase "Jesus was Asian" on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter..or text or say it to at least three people.   Post the results  (what people said) below in comments section.  If you don't have one of the accounts listed, sign in as anonymous (but leave your name in your post)


  1. Mel Rangel

    Extra Credit:
    Brian Zahnd talks about the gospel in chairs. This is an example of two versions; one is a modern western judicial version and the second is the ancient biblical understanding of salvation. Salvation and resurrection are explained. The debate on old versus new is talked about. Sin is taken away from man and put on Jesus the son of God. The message is we need to understand that God is an undisputable person and God and Jesus are essential to our salvation.

    Extra Credit:
    Jesus was Asian - I sent this to a group text of six friends. One guy responded, “What?”, another guy responded with a question mark, “?”. I waited about ten minutes and no else responded. I then explained it was an extra task for my Bible class.

  2. Extra Credit - Jesus was asian. I sent this to a group of 4 women. The first reponse I got was "quit it!" and the second response I got was two thumbs up! lol No one asked me why I was saying that, they are used to my randomness. lol

  3. Lauren
    I ended up text a few people about Jesus being Asian some of the responses I got where:
    "I thought he was Hebrew"
    "That explains why there are so many Asians"
    "I can see how he is Asian"
    I then explained to them I was doing extra credit and we talked about Jesus and our bible class for awhile. It was fun to get different responses from people.

  4. I texted a couple of my friends and family members and their responses were:
    1.Yes, because Asia is part of Egypt and all of that.
    2. Not possible
    3. I had no idea
    4. What no way!
    5. Jesus has no race
    6. That is not possible

  5. I really enjoyed the chairs visual of God's relationship with man. He never turns His back on us, but is always confronting us and ready to meet us no matter where we are. I've heard something along the line that God turned away as Jesus hung on the Cross, which was shocking to me. With Leonard Sweet's explanation of Jesus's song on the cross and this video, I can see that statement is actually false.

  6. I texted a couple of people. Their responses were no way that not true, what?, who?, you are lying!, can't be, I'm going to google it and others did not reply.
